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21 September 2008

I suppose I should be flattered...

...that I have my own personal troll.

Not only that, he's apparently such a fan, he has even come to imitate (well, the purple is actually his idea) the very format I use when replying to comments. If he wasn't so obnoxious, it'd be kinda cute.
Of course, there's a pretty fine line between hero-worship and, well... let's just call it what it is... obsession...
See Nonny, if all you can think about on your 15 minute break down at the widget factory... is to get on the internet and leave smarmy typo-laden trolls hoping to get my attention... it might be time to, I dunno... get a hobby?

And yes... after all the references to Nazis and "poison gas"... I'm gonna continue to delete whatever silliness I please....
And...I guess "Eleanor Rigby" isn't just a song.

"Where do they all come from?"


"If he wants to post about how much he loves Nazism, why doesn't he go post on CC's blog where he will be welcome, or on Dawg's where he will be excused?"