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21 September 2008

Remember the good old days...

...when Steffi said the Liberal Party would not resort to negative campaigning?
Conservatives pointed to the online writings of Ms. Finch, the Liberal candidate in the riding of Dufferin-Caledon, on a site called, where she is listed as an editor.

In March 2008, the Tories allege, Ms. Finch compared Mr. Harper to Adolf Hitler.

“Let's start with the really nasty stuff, though, the stuff that conjures up comparisons to Hitler or Stalin,” reads a post on the website written by Ms. Finch.

“Let's talk about a damaged psychology, a malevolent personality disorder, and lessons that we, the discerning public who are ultimately affected by these characters, should have already learned.”
So Stephane... is this acceptable behaviour for a Liberal candidate... or not?

And no, my fuzzy-bunny friend... renaming your dog "Harper"... is not gonna make this one go away.
