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03 September 2008

American boots on the ground...

...inside Pakistan... means this was something big.
-- DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (AP) -- Intelligence officials and a witness say at least 15 people died in an attack involving U.S.-led forces in northwest Pakistan.

Witness Habib Khan Wazir said the incident happened after an American helicopter landed outside a home in the village of Musa Nikow in South Waziristan before dawn Wednesday.

He said the troops came out and fired on people outside and inside the house.

Two local intelligence officials confirmed the account on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media.

One official said 19 died.
There was also a Predator-launched missile strike on this same village on Sunday.

Sounds like somebody's playin' HVT Whack-a-mole.


UPDATE: It's the Black Ops boys...
The US military command in Afghanistan can plausibly deny its forces were involved in such a raid as the operation would be carried out by Special Forces teams.

Task Force 88, the hunter-killer teams assigned to take down al Qaeda and the Taliban's command structure, does not report to the conventional command in Afghanistan.

A raid of this nature - the insertion of US special operations team inside Pakistani territory - is rare. This would be only the second reported raid of this nature since 2006.

Nearly every other attack was conducted by unmanned US Predator aircraft or missile strikes from Afghanistan.