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03 September 2008


Apparently, Stephane Dion has a billion dollars in his back pocket...
Liberal Leader Stephane Dion is set to shift his "Green Shift" plan just days before a federal election is expected to be called.

CTV News has learned Dion will announce that part of the $1 billion contingency fund in his plan, designed for tax relief to address the unavoidable costs associated with the carbon tax, will be set aside for truckers, farmers and fishermen.
Wait a second! What's that? He doesn't have any money? NONE AT ALL!?!

Whaddaya mean... WE'VE gotta pay for it?!

That's Steffi's idea of revenue neutral?

No wonder this dope is polling behind Taliban Jack.


UPDATE: A billion here... a billion there...
"There's $1-billion wiggle room," said Montreal MP Marlene Jennings. "We've never said that the plan, in terms of the spending side, is complete, because it's not."
A billion dollars... aka Liberal chump-change.

No wonder he's coming up short in the polls...