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02 September 2008

Hey, Lizzie...

...just try having a petulant, public tantrum... that's been workin' out pretty well for the Fiberals.
-- OTTAWA -- The Green Party has hired a lawyer to pressure the TV networks to include leader Elizabeth May in debates during the coming election campaign.

A party spokeswoman says now that former Liberal MP Blair Wilson has moved to the Greens, the party has a right to be part of the debates.

RELATED: Actually, when you run the numbers...

...she's probably crushing Dion.
Asked who would make the best prime minister, exactly half of respondents in the poll of 1,003 Canadians chose Mr. Harper, followed by NDP leader Jack Layton at 31% and Liberal leader Stéphane Dion at 20%.

"I'm undecided on this one...the entertainment value of her standing beside the blochead, the taliban negotiator and the interim Lib guy is immeasurable but having her whining on the sidelines could be gold as well...hmmm, I can't call it."