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09 August 2008

Possible friendly-fire death

As in any other profession... accidents happen.

We've had two of our farming neighbours killed in the last couple of years.
Brig.-Gen. Thompson would not confirm that an employee of the security company was suspected of firing the fatal shot.

“An investigation is being conducted to determine the details surrounding this incident, and further information will be made public when it is available,” he told reporters.
A sad day... whatever this turns out to be.

He will be remembered.


UPDATE: Details are slowly trickling out
A civilian convoy that was being escorted by the private security company passed along the road at the same time.

It is believed that the men guarding the convoy saw the Taliban, heard the shots and, not realizing it was a battle being waged between insurgents and coalition forces, fired into the fray.

RELATED: And to no one's surprise...

In his latest puerile, profane screed... Canadian Cynic links to 21 (yes, not a typo... a new record) of my posts.

As of 11 o'clock he has 2 cheerleader comments... and one of them is by his made-up alter-ego Lulu.

Keep diggin', puss.
