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10 August 2008

It's always interesting... see what happens when you catch the eye of the lunatic left...
and I'm always amazed at the fetishes that seem to bubble to the surface...
but you know... after the first couple of snickering, infantile, invariably sexual references... it's just kinda dumb and incredibly boring.

It's like that one obviously dimwitted neighbourhood kid... who took the dare from the head hooligan, to run up to that old lady's open porch window... and yell out some naughty words before scrambling away to hide.

Of course, the real joke was... he had no idea who everyone was actually laughing at.

And, yes... I'm just gonna continue to delete silly stuff like this.

So, CC... if you and the boys are finished telling each other make-believe naughty stories... maybe you better start working on Plan B.



It seems CC got up early just to blow me more kisses.
You've gotta love the dumbstick irony, here.

Remember Canadian Cynic's message to Wanda Watkins, whose son Lane was killed in Afghanistan?
"With all due respect, Wanda, fuck you and your grief. It's not the job of the rest of Canada to continue to let its soldiers die just so you can sleep better at night."
Of course, his disdain isn't limited to a single grieving mother... there's also this little gem...
And, of course, the obligatory Nazi name-calling...Hey, CC... got any good abortion jokes?
