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03 August 2008

It simply shouldn't have happened

Apparently all kinds of people knew this guy was coming unglued... and did nothing about it...
"He was kind of a lost soul. It was as if he was always looking for something," a member of a Winnipeg family which befriended Li -- even having him over for Christmas dinner two years ago -- told the Free Press Saturday in an exclusive interview.

"I think, in their culture, (the issue of mental illness) is kind of frowned upon," the woman said. She works in the mental health field and said it was obvious Li was struggling.
No lady... he wasn't struggling... he was on his way to a homicidal meltdown and you stood by and watched.
"He was definitely schizophrenic, probably paranoid schizophrenic," she said. "He needed help but he just wouldn't get it."
Sure... let's put the onus for seeking treatment on the guy who's obviously crazier than a shithouse mouse... that sounds like a plan.
"There was the constant paranoia, a feeling that he was always being watched and that others might be out to get him. There were his bizarre, rambling stories that seemed to come out of nowhere."
And yet, all of these "concerned folks", simply stood by and did nothing.
The woman predicts Li will finally now get the help he needs.
Yeah... that's just peachy.

Tell that to the family and friends of Tim McLean.



Another two links in one post, CC? Something's really bothering you, huh?

CC loudly proclaims, "...the mentally unhinged that walk among you..."

Well, that's certainly something he's familiar with...

C'mon, CC... be a good boy and just take your meds.


LAST WORD: Hey, CC... one woman has had enough
