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03 August 2008

True Crime

When you look in the mirror... what do you see?
"You know, if I do a crime, you lock me up, I'm not going to complain. But if I'm not doing nothing, and you just bothering me, then I'm gonna get mad, and then I don't care if I go to jail for, you know, disorderly conduct for police, 'cause I just did seven years, I just came home for, you know, police planting stuff on me, I didn't do nothing, they took seven years of my life, you know. I'm trying to get back, stay out of trouble, learn stuff, you know, reading books... I'm 30-years-old, I'm just living life, you know? Trying to catch up, I'm trying."

"You know? I'm just a average Joe. That's all."
"So, once I do my two days of community service, the case is dropped and everything is back to normal and I can continue with my political career."

"You know what I mean?"

"I'm working real hard to succeed in politics, and people have lied about me and lied about my husband, Jonathan, to destroy our lives and our reputation for no reason."