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31 August 2008

The I-word

How long will it take the "race hustlers" to pop up and label this guy... an "Uncle Tom-Tom"?
"This is a biased blog. It reflects a point of view."

"My name is Robert Jago, I live in Yorkville in Toronto, where I am the head of an HR firm. I am a card carrying American Indian, educated in Vancouver and the Middle East."
It's pretty amazing what you can accomplish when you're not sitting around fomenting anarchy.

It can also have its more sombre moments... as you reflect on the cultural luddites who choose to stay behind and stagnate.
"Looking just at natives - we live in over crowded shacks, we are riddled with disease, and we have the smallness of spirit that comes with all that."

"Here’s the difference and the reason I am depressed - we don’t have a dream."
(via ffof)


RELATED: Clue #1... it wasn't Stephen Harper

Pop Quiz -- Who said...
"Hard work, not handouts, is the way to solving the criminally high rate of native unemployment, poverty and incarceration."