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08 July 2008

Has anybody told Darcey yet?

You throw 'em in the slow cooker with a bottle of vino and some garlic... there just might be some good eatin' here.
-- EDMONTON -- Alberta has become hog heaven to so many boars on the loose that the province is ordering landowners to eradicate all of the tusked animals not in captivity.

The European wild boars, which can weigh up to 275 kilograms, have adapted to frigid winters, breed like rabbits, dig up farm fields like giant gophers and have even chased school children at bus stops, said Cliff Munroe, director of regulatory services for Alberta Agriculture.

The petulant porkers are prone to migrate and can spread disease to domesticated pigs. They are so destructive that the province has put non-captive wild boars in the same official pest category as rats.

“They can be dangerous. Let's put it this way. If I came across one, I would be running in the other direction.”
Now don't be sayin' stuff like that... you're just gonna get his blood up.
