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09 July 2008

Apparently, the road to hell... actually paved with Stephane's stilted rhetoric...
Biofuel subsidies to US and EU farmers are worth between US$16 and US$18bn a year, four times a much as all agricultural aid to the developing world.

The charity calculates that 260 million people are at risk of hunger as a direct result of the rich world’s drive to grow alternative fuels for cars and trucks.
And Premier McSlippery says, "Let them eat auto parts."
Ontario is thinking of shifting gears on a plan to require 10% ethnanol in gasoline, Premier Dalton McGuinty said today.

Talk about a vote of non-confidence.

LAST WORD: Federal Liberal Association riding president...

...Jane Cornelius gets off a real knee-slapper...
What is more grotesque?

That Cornelius is telling a joke about Stephen and Laureen Harper being blown up by "friendly fire", which is no laughing matter to families and friends of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan where that threat is real and ongoing?

Or that Cornelius tells a joke about children talking about murder?

Or that this creepy joke is supposed to be the start of an effort to combat the "negative spin culture"?