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08 July 2008

That's one McSlippery Catholic

So Dalton, how exactly does that work... you got your own Pope too?
-- TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty says he supports Dr. Henry Morgentaler's appointment to the Order of Canada.

The Catholic premier says he supports the move even though he knows it's a controversial issue.
Now, it's been a while since I've actually been a practising Catholic... but I'm pretty sure you don't get to pick and choose which way you fall on stuff like this.

But hey... that Dalton McGuinty... he's flexible.


"McGuinty was happy to have something else to talk about besides Ontario's tanking economy."

"Sadly, the gullible Queen's Park press gallery were equally happy to accommodate him."


RELATED: Apparently though, some folks have principles
-- OTTAWA -- A group of anti-abortionists have returned an Order of Canada medal to protest the appointment of the country’s most notable abortion-rights crusader to the exclusive fraternity.
Well... that's two so far.


LAST WORD: And while we're on "faith and principles"
And be sure to reserve bonus points for yourself if you remembered that a renowned dabbler in Anglican theology, Elizabeth May, is also a officer of the Order.

NOTE: A spokesman for Elizabeth May has asked me not to refer to the Green Party leader as "pro-life", so I have removed the adjective from the original description as a matter of courtesy. According to the note, "[Miss May] strongly supports a woman’s right to access safe and legal abortions, as does the Green Party.]"