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21 July 2008


Apparently, some folks are still more than a little unclear... on the concept...
"I have communicated with Rogers in some detail, as well as with two police forces -- one out there, and one over here."
Now, I'm not sure how this works in your neck of the woods... but out here in Hastings County... threatening to kill someone "with your own hands" is still considered pretty serious business.

It seems though, in Waterloo, Ontario... Canadian Cynic's stomping ground... it's just fodder for a sick sense of humour...
But I guess we shouldn't be surprised... when he's not pissing all over the mother of a dead Canadian soldier... it seems threatening violence against public figures, is just how CC rolls...
Hey, CC... you bring that tire iron on your weekend trip to Ottawa?

Funny, you'd think that... as a victim of the vast right-wing conspiracy... the Cynic might be a little bit more understanding about stuff like this.

Apparently, that's not how it works.


"CC is a SHE, I've never met a male that acts like she does. Honestly how many men write prose that positively shrieks PMS?"

LAST WORD: I guess the death threats to Ezra... Canadian Cynic all juiced up...Hey, CC... is that your... "final"... solution?

And CC... you're not being chastised... the word you're looking for is "exposed."

(h/t rg)