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04 June 2008

A Tale of Two Cities

Guess which story didn't make it into the Globe and Mail.
-- KANADAHAR, Afghanistan -- "A Canadian soldier on foot patrol in Kandahar's volatile Panjwai district was shot and killed on Tuesday morning, marking the second combat death for Canadian Forces in the last month."

"It's the 10th death so far this year."
Or, was it...
-- TORONTO, Canada -- "A Jamaican-Canadian man in Toronto's volatile Scarborough district was shot and killed in his livingroom on Friday, marking the third shooting death for Afro-Canadian males in the last week."

"It's Toronto's 22nd murder so far this year."
Funny how that works, huh?


"Will the PM issue a travel warning against going to Toronto, as it is dangerous and you might get killed."
So, just to recap... and please note, rabid Hogtown-lickers, that I'm actually rounding down here... as many Torontonians get murdered annually... as the total number of Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan in the last six years.

So, I ask you, which is the more horrible war here?
