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04 June 2008


She can only blame herself.
The exercise, which was billed as a free-flowing exchange between the candidate and voters in different Super Tuesday states, brought out the most stage-managed aspects of her campaign in an event that was billed as spontaneous.

Answering a single pre-screened question from each of the 22 states that were to hold primary elections three days later, Mrs Clinton handled a mix of flattering and softball inquiries.

Each questioner was introduced by a celebrity. “Oh there’s Chelsea,” said Mrs Clinton with apparent surprise when her daughter popped up on the screen in Connecticut. “Hi Mom,” said Chelsea. “I love you so much.”

The ensuing question was only slightly less saccharine.
That getting caught lying her ass off... was just the icing on the cake.

And, of course, every once in a while... the mask would slip.
