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18 June 2008

"A planned and deliberate act"

Yeah, sure... why don't you just "show me the honour" here...
Before 16-year-old Aqsa Parvez even stepped inside her family's Mississauga home last December, Peel Regional Police now believe, there was a plan to kill her. And yesterday they went before the court to upgrade the original second-degree murder charge against her father to first-degree.
A little background.

RELATED: TDSB trots out Johnny Cochrane defense 

The Toronto District School Board has a new Urban Diversity Strategy. Apparently, they've decided to dump all the blame on those ignorant, "insensitive teachers."
But instead of recommending special programs tailored for children of various high-risk groups – Portuguese children, for example, or those from Somalia or Afghanistan – the staff suggests helping all teachers be more sensitive to the challenges diversity can bring.