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18 June 2008

Sunni Days

Once again... the capricious and unknowable Will of Allah.
-- BAGHDAD -- Explosives stowed in a minibus obliterated part of a bustling marketplace and set ablaze a crowded apartment building in the heavily Shiite Huriya district of northwest Baghdad, killing at least 51 people and wounding 75 late Tuesday afternoon, Iraqi security officials said.
And forget about the sociopaths that built, planted and triggered the bomb... we know who the real bad guys are...
“Now the Americans are bringing outsiders to secure our neighborhood, and look what happened!” screamed a man named Muhammad who said his wife and child were killed. “Maybe we should bring back the old days.”
Yeah... bring back the murderous despot... there's the solution.
The list is long. Indeed, unending. However, the solution to all our problems is always simple: return to an imagined past which, mercifully for the people of the seventh century, never existed.
(via shaidle)


RELATED: Meanwhile... back in Afghanistan

Let the martyrdom commence...
A top provincial official in Kandahar said gun battles killed two Afghan troops and 16 Taliban. Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, also said hundreds of families had fled to the city, and that some of the villages had already been cleared of Taliban.