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16 June 2008

Jadewarr ain't the only one

The wonderful world of wi-fi thievery...
"Mine wasn't a particularly sociable apartment building, but wi-fi transcends urban alienation. You can draw your blinds and grunt at me on the stairs all you want, No. 7, but I can see your network just fine."

"Some people thought of creative names for their networks: ParisBrooklyn, MessageInaBottle. Some were boring: linksys, NETGEAR, default. I was always happy to see the boring ones, because the people who don't bother thinking of clever names for their home networks are the same people who don't bother to password-protect them."

"Anybody who calls his hot spot WebOfDarkness isn't going to give me any wireless love."

"I think YouHavSomNerv was on to me too."