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16 June 2008

It's interesting to note...

That, invariably... "doing the right thing"... doesn't involve the line of least resistance...
Britain will announce extra troops for Afghanistan later - bringing numbers to their highest level yet, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said.

The increase would bring overall UK numbers in Afghanistan to more than 8,000 - mostly based in Helmand.
It's easy to turn your back on trouble, or confrontation.

The UN did it in Rwanda. They're doing it again, to a large extent, in Darfur and Zimbabwe.

It's hard to take a principled stand. It's harder yet to put your money where your mouth is.

I'm proud that Canada and Britain and others have taken a stand. It isn't easy and, as we've seen, there is a price to be paid.

Sometimes you've just gotta fight... for what's right.


UPDATE: Toronto "Red" Star publishes outrageous report...

...that Canadian military is complicit in child rape...
"Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan have been ordered by commanding officers "to ignore" incidents of sexual assault among the civilian population, says a military chaplain who counsels troops returning home with post-traumatic stress disorder."
No specifics, of course... just an incendiary allegation.

I guess that'll sell a few papers.


RELATED: UAE on the bubble?
"There is a high threat from terrorism," an official travel advice notice for the country said. "We believe terrorists may be planning to carry out attacks in the UAE."

LAST WORD: Nothing to do with Canada, right?

Five conspirators in their 20s each got sentences of nearly 20 years.

Still, a loose end dangles in Ottawa. The British Crown said the detonator design was Canadian, and the RCMP arrested a 24-year-old computer programmer a few hours before the British arrests.

And that man, Mohammad Momin Khawaja, is a week away from hearing direct allegations that he is the brains behind the Digimonster.