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15 June 2008

Aboriginal group...

...demands "Mr. Rogers style" policing.
-- CARLYLE, Sask. -- The head of Saskatchewan's largest aboriginal organization is demanding a meeting with Canada's public safety minister, to talk about what he calls “Rambo-style” policing after RCMP on Saturday shot and killed a man on a reserve southeast of Regina.

The man, identified by a close relative as Chase McKay Standingready, 21, was fatally shot on the White Bear First Nation Saturday morning after police said he was armed with a knife.
Apparently though, this wasn't an armed man confronting police officers... it was more of "a martyrdom."
“One life is one too many "to be sacrificed" to open the eyes of governments to come and help us bring about safe communities,” Mr. Joseph said.
No disrespect here, Chief, but this type of sacrifice looks to be a problem particular to this part of the country...
Saskatchewan again had the highest rate of all provinces, with 4.1 homicides for every 100,000 people.
Now that's one hell of a variation from the mean... what's up with the not-so-gentle folk of Saskatchewan?
Saskatchewan stands out for two reasons, he said: It consistently has the highest crime rate, and it has the highest percentage of native Canadians in its justice system.
