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05 June 2008

"Hold it right there, Nervous Nellie..."

...says Macleans... "You're stealing OUR argument."
We’re back, and the first item for business is Joseph demanding an apology for yesterday’s “scaredy-pants” outburst, which he says is causing his client “stress.”
Just curious... but if you're having a nervous breakdown because somebody called you “scaredy-pants”... how do you summon up the stones to leave your house and buy groceries, never mind Macleans magazine?

Perhaps Mark Steyn really isn't this guy's biggest problem after all.

No such thing as irony in the Muslim world, I guess.

Oh yeah, if you feel so inclined... you can email the Star Chamber... and share your "feelings."

At minimum, you need to email your MP.

Do it now.


RELATED: More Coyne...
So we’re having long debates in the courtroom about whether or not Mark Steyn properly understands the relationship between the Koran and Islamic society; maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he got it wrong.

Usually these things lead to blog posts and TV and the usual things that happen when somebody write a controversial article. What they don’t see is the separation — between that and having a state body decide the matter.

This kind of thinking exists in a lot of places, that, "I cannot really abide by disagreeing with something; I have to bring in something to suppress it."

LAST WORD: Famed washroom Nazi-Hunter weighs in
