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05 June 2008

Globe and Mail...

Momentarily loses track of half-crazed, pantyless Britney Spears... forced to go with "B roll" national news...
"Mother's breast milk thrown into garbage"

"The 31-year-old California mother said she was away from her child for 51 hours while at an academic conference, during which time she pumped breast milk every three hours. Having to throw out the milk she planned to bring home to her baby felt 'violating,' she said."

"Forcing me to throw out the milk represents more than an inconvenience: It devalues this connection between me and my baby."
I'm guessing Lloyd will be showcasing the "breasts in question" on tonight's CTV National News.

Now, this is exactly the kind of "man bites dog" nonsense that passes for journalism these days. The stupified sheeple have apparently set the bar so low, that just about any sort of argle-bargle can be passed off as "national news."

And it didn't even make any sort of sense. If Mommy-Dearest was truly worried about her baby's diet, she should have pumped extra breast milk before she left... so Junior's meals wouldn't have been disrupted in her absence. As it is, it seems she was planning on doubling up the little swine's daily intake when she returned home.

Maybe I'm missing something here.

By way of contrast, I also caught a little of the Newshour with Jim Lehrer on PBS on my recent trip to Toronto (we're on 'peasantvision' here at the Halls). Say whatever you will about the idealogical slant, it was hard news, well presented.

I dunno... I guess it's a TMZ world.


"It's not like it's a non-renewable resource."