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08 June 2008

Canadian Cynic responds...

After yet another link from pottymouth pundit Canadian Cynic... I was curious to find out about his relationship to "sjwalter"... the person who apparently owned the blog "Canadian Cynic" back in 2005.
You do that, Neo. And perhaps when you track down "sjwalter" (who I have, in fact, exchanged an email with after a wildly coincidental registration of two blogs using that same catchphrase and, yes, I was first :-)
Now, CC claims to have been in touch with Mr./Ms. Walter... but decides not to share how our mystery blogger... who "wildly coincidentally" also registered the domain name "Canadian Cynic"... and "wildly coincidentally" happens to live in the Waterloo area... feels about their seemingly fated relationship.

I mean this whole thing just smacks of "kismet", huh?

Do these two Waterloo area cynics go out for coffee and to the movies? Do they share intimate moments at the local Starbucks?

If you guys/gals are in touch... I guess you could easily answer my question, huh?

C'mon, CC... care to share that email exchange with us? I'd love to know how Mr./Ms. Walter feels about having that sort of association with your colourful little enterprise.

C'mon CC...
...don't be shy.

I mean... aren't thinly veiled threats... just your sort of thing?

Hope I didn't disturb your beauty sleep.


RELATED: Who says CC doesn't have...

...a wonderful sense of humour?

Not bad for 4 o'clock in the morning, huh?


LAST WORD: The whole sad saga continues
