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19 May 2008

So, lemme see if I understand...

Mayor Miller's latest multi-million dollar taxpayer-funded initiative... we just give all the junkies free housing... and, hey... it's a miracle!!!
"Patrick called and said he was ready and wanted to get help. I dropped everything and drove straight there. I brought him back to Collingwood. I called the detox in Owen Sound and they had a bed. I took him straight there."

He spent four days there before calling his mom. "He begged me to come get him from detox. ... He kept phoning and phoning. Finally, I said, 'You can stay here (in Collingwood) until you get into a long-term residential treatment centre.'"
Well... there's a brainwave.

This messed up scarecrow can't hack detox... but mom figures he'll be just fine with a longer-term of enforced cold-turkey confinement.
Patrick, then 20, agreed to that and other conditions, including that he stay in the house and have no visitors. But the plan soon failed.

"I brought him home. I left the room to make a phone call, and when I got back he had vanished and stole my $1,500 Tag watch," Rasmussens said.
So what part of "junkie"... do all you folks not understand?
