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19 May 2008

Just another reason why

We need to scrap these so-called "Human Rights Commissions."

Liberal Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best...
"With respect to medical marijuana ... the cases are very isolated ... I don't see people smoking medical marijuana anywhere around generally so I don't believe that's an issue that I would have to address."
Conservative Interim Leader Bob Runciman...
"We think the ruling of the human rights commission is mind-boggling -- it's just nuts," Runciman said. "The individual who's been accused is sort of left out there to twist in the wind."
What's all the fuss about... you ask?
For Gater Teds Tap and Grill owner Ted Kindos, that grey area has settled around the front door of his establishment.

The restaurant and pub owner was taken to the tribunal after he refused to allow a customer to smoke medical marijuana in front of his establishment.
Good grief.
