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03 May 2008


Canadian Cynic rallies the troops, er... Lindsay...

You probably remember Lindsay Stewart from such memorable hits as... eeeeewwwwww, really!?!?

Apparently, "P.S. Ape" also has mad legal skillz... as you can see here... in the comments...
"lindsay stewart aka 'pretty shaved ape' says... i think you'll have a hard time convincing a judge..."
Yessirree... that ol' Ape has got me on the run.
Yup, Lindsay... bet that smooth, uber-caring "progressive" personality of yours just drives the chicks wild.

But you're right... I'm not CC's biggest worry, by any means.

He'd just better pray that he never runs into any of Lane Watkins army buddies, well... anywhere.

'Cos I'm willing to bet they're gonna be a lot harder to reason with... than little ol' me.

UPDATE: Canadian Cynic responds...

Not, of course, by providing an "address for service"... but by hastily posting "it's all just a big joke."

Yeah... it's a riot, CC.

Just like your buddy Lindsay's little online rape fantasy.

I can see why you two get along so well.
