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16 May 2008

Rosie writes it wrong

Oh, the poor widdle kiddies...
“The principle of fundamental justice at issue here is that young people are entitled to a presumption of diminished moral blameworthiness or culpability flowing from the fact that, because of their age, they have heightened vulnerability, less maturity and a reduced capacity for moral judgment.”
Let's be clear... we're not talking about a kid who shoplifts a couple of CD's at the mall.

This is about violent, often homicidal offenders.

A bad decision... a sad day.


UPDATE: What... me worry?
The study, which gathered statistics from police forces across Canada, reports the rate of violent crime among young people increased 12% in 10 years, and 30% since 1991.

Both the number and rate of young people accused of homicide in 2006 reached their highest point since data were first collected in 1961.

Youth homicide rates have risen 41% since 1997.

UPDATE2: Yeah... they're obviously just misunderstood
A 15-year-old boy suffered life-threatening injuries when he and two other Good Samaritans went to help another teen being mugged behind the Castle Frank subway station.

The victim's condition has improved since the Tuesday afternoon attack and the boy expected to recover but it's still unclear if the injuries caused any permanent damage, Toronto Police Det.-Sgt. Myron Demkiw said.

RELATED: Speaking of flawed decision-making...

What's up with Rob Nicholson?
One reporter -- to his credit! -- didn't even believe the memo was real, asking me for corroboration that it wasn't a "forged document".

That's exactly how I reacted to so many of the insane details about the CHRC when I first encountered them: I simply didn't believe they were real.

I think the problem has spread from the CHRC into the Justice Department. I think it's becoming an embarrassment that can't be sloughed off on others.

HRCs are becoming denormalized -- and if Nicholson doesn't do something about them on his watch, he risks having his own government become tainted by them.

LAST WORD: Every refuge has its price
"Were you shocked to find out that the Justice Department's own filings said truth and fair comment are no defence?"