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16 May 2008

Another Fiberal Gasbag...

Goes down in flames.


FROM THE COMMENTS: What uber-Liberal apologist said...
"For Grits, it means it's cut your losses time: retract, apologize, offer a donation to charity. And quietly deal with the three staffers who made the "bribery" allegation in the first place."

RELATED: Avoiding Dalton's worst nightmare

Try imagine what would happen, if an inquiry actually started pointing fingers back at this guy after they've already let him go...
“I've concluded that another inquiry into this case will not provide additional information to strengthen the administration of justice beyond what we are doing,” Mr. Bentley said in an interview.
They just can't take that chance.

Oops... can you hear the scrabbling of little clawed feet? It must be Red Tory and his puerile overlord Canadian Cynic... running for the flamethrowers, because... you know... they're all about "the justice."


POP QUIZ: What Liberal Premier...
"... gives 20G's to fight "Hate Crime" to the Canadian Arab Federation?"

"Yes, that's the same Canadian Arab Federation headed up by Khaled Mouammar."