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31 May 2008

I'm just a little surprised...

One of the locals didn't try to cut his head off...
A US marine in Iraq has been removed from duty following claims that he handed out coins inscribed with biblical verses in Arabic.

A report from McClatchy News Service carried a photo of a silver coin it said had been distributed in the Iraqi city.

Written in Arabic script on one side of the coin were the words: "Where will you spend eternity?"

On the other side, the news service said there was a Bible verse referring to Jesus: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16."
Yeah... fighting words.


RELATED: CHRC trots out the O.J. Defense...

Let's go after the "real haters."
"A spokesman for the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) has refused to say whether Christian moral opposition to homosexual activity constitutes a 'hate crime'."
Of course, CTV has no such qualms.
"How dare he not show up?"

LAST WORD: Well, he was just about due...

Welcome yet again, readers of Canadian Cynic... my biggest fan.

What I admire most about CC is... he's all about "the rules."
