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31 May 2008

Canadian troops...

Spoil Jack Layton's big plans to surrender, er... negotiate... by going on a four day tear through Pashmul...
Code-named Operation Rawa Tander, Pashto for Rolling Thunder, the joint Canada and Afghan military mission was aimed at disrupting insurgent activity in one of Kandahar province's most dangerous areas, Pashmul.

The operation, which involved multiple platoons, started before day-break on Tuesday and, by 6:15 a.m., bullets were already ripping through Pashmul, a collection of small, ancient villages and farmland.

As the week progressed, the fighting intensified, with Friday being the most hard-fought for Canadian and Afghan forces.
It sounds like the "disrupting" part of the op went especially well.
During the lengthy operation, several dozen insurgents were killed or injured.

Only one Afghan soldier was hurt; he accidentally shot himself in the foot. No Canadians were injured.