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09 May 2008

Gossipy Old Busybodies

"I have no interest in talking to journalists about this. This is my private life. I'm not a politician. I didn't do anything wrong. It was a long time ago. I don't have to justify anything." -- Julie Couillard --

"The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation." -- Pierre Trudeau --

"They are everyone's business and we will raise them in this House." -- Michael Ignatieff --
Even the fluffernutter readership at CTV aren't biting...

Do you figure the prostitution ring that Lawrence Metherel was involved with was a national security risk?

RELATED: Sauce for the goose?
Some time back, as you may recall, Belinda Stronach was said to be having a fling with Tie Domi, the hockey player. Tie’s wife blamed Belinda for busting up the marriage.

Ms. Stronach sat in Paul Martin’s cabinet and no doubt was privy to confidential information. Did she share it with Tie? Did Tie tell the other Leafs? Was there a danger that a Leaf of foreign birth might pass the information back to his homeland?

Did anyone spend five seconds worrying about anything so absurd?

LAST WORD: Maybe Iggy can join forces...
...with the NDP