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09 May 2008

A declaration of war

I guess Hezbollah figures they have the ponies to pull this wagon train...
The coming days could decide which vision of Lebanon ultimately triumphs – a liberal, Western-friendly, free-market economy and tourist hub catering to wealthy Arabs; or a key component of a regional alliance that seeks to confront Israel and thwart Western influence in the Middle East.
It certainly looks as though they're not gonna get it without a fight.
On Wednesday, Sheikh Rashid Qabbani, the highest Sunni authority in Lebanon, used unusually harsh words to denounce Hezbollah as a "gang of outlaws," warning that Sunnis "have had enough."
And what's left of the government has apparently decided to take a stand as well.
"The government will not go back on any of its decisions. We have decided to stop the blackmail of Iran and Syria," he says, referring to the two countries that support Hezbollah.
May you live in interesting times.


"What concerns me...and you know it's for the Liberals or NDP to start crying about how Canada should be evacuating all those Canadian citizens-of- convenience once again.

I hope this time around we find a more luxurious vessel so those rescued don't have to whine about the accomodations as they wait out the latest insurrection before returning to their homes in Lebanon."

UPDATE: Your lips... to Allah's ear
Hezbollah gunmen in Lebanon have seized control of west Beirut after clashes with fighters loyal to the country's Western-backed government left at least 11 people dead.

Fighters from the Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah also forced the pro-government television station - Future Movement - off the air Friday and attacked an affiliated newspaper.