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06 May 2008

As the Liberals say... "if it saves one life"

"The integrity of the program?"

I've gotta confess... I'm a little more concerned about the people... that they're shooting.
-- OTTAWA -- The number of people that Canada wants to deport but cannot find has climbed by 5,000 from five years ago, Auditor-General Sheila Fraser announced Tuesday in her latest report on the efficiency of government operations.

There are now about 41,000 people remaining in Canada illegally, up from the 36,000 that Ms. Fraser flagged in an earlier 2003 report.

“Due in part to a lack of exit controls, there is a growing number of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown and who might remain in Canada illegally, thereby jeopardizing the integrity of the program,” said the Auditor-General's office in the report.
And don't even get me started on that other thing.


RELATED: Fiberal friends in the news again
-- TORONTO -- Tens of thousands of Sri Lankans living in Canada have been funding the Tamil Tigers' terrorism campaign through a secret strategy of profiling carried out using Canada's electoral database, the RCMP allege.

In what amounts to the most detailed examination of alleged terrorist fundraising ever filed in a federal court, the national police force claims as much as $50,000 a month was being drawn from bank accounts in Toronto and funnelled to the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka.

The Tigers' operation in Canada, responsible for providing 15 per cent of global funds for the secession movement, identified potential donors by postal code and used a "sales team" of locals to extract the cash, alleges the 400-page police affidavit unsealed in the Federal Court of Canada this week.