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06 May 2008

Steyn on TVO....

Or as it will likely come to be known... the Six Minute War...
As you can see from this precis, the current plan at The Agenda is to interview me and then have the Sock Puppet Three come on to do their usual schlocko summer-stock routine of pretending to be "the complainants".

It's like "Little Human Rights Commission On The Prairie": terrible acting, lavishly subsidized, and running forever.
Apparently... much like a sixties Arab-fueled military thrust... some of the combatants have already decided to "flee, flee... run away!"
Anyway, it seemed a bit of a bore to me, so we've put in a request to let me go mano a mano with the Sock Puppets. Don't care how many there are: One, two, or all three.

I'd much rather go mano a mano with the real complainant, Mohamed Elmasry, but his mano is stuck up the Sock Puppets so I guess it's unavailable.

UPDATE: Sorry... turns out it's the Six Second War
Sock Puppet pantywaists wimp out! Three Sock Puppets against one Islamophobe is apparently unfair odds as "they would not have the time to prepare for the debate."
Good grief.


LAST WORD: Wow... just wow

Just watched the show and it was impressive. It started off with Steve Paikin interviewing Mark... who basically shamed the three Muslim law students into participating in an actual debate.

I've recorded it and I'll be watching it again. Here's a... as Darcey would say... lyrical highlight.

Needless to say the law-kiddies were outgunned & overmatched.

Paikin made a special point of stating that Mohamed Elmasry, the actual instigator here, had been invited to appear on the show... but had declined to show up.
COREN: Anyone over the age of 18 in Israel is a valid target.

ELMASRY: Anybody above 18 is a part of the Israeli army...

COREN: So everyone in Israel and anyone and everyone in Israel, irrespective of gender, over the age of 18 is a valid target?

ELMASRY: Yes, I would say.
Yeah... that guy.
