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06 May 2008

Ms. Luv-U-Long-Time

Is there anything Hillary Clinton wouldn't say or do... to win this thing?
Whatever the results of the primaries on Tuesday in Indiana and North Carolina, Mrs. Clinton has accomplished the seemingly impossible in those states.

Somehow, a woman who has not regularly filled her own gasoline tank in well over a decade, who with her husband made $109 million in the last eight years and who vacations with Oscar de la Renta, has transformed herself into a working-class hero.
But not everybody's buyin' what Hillary the Riveter is selling...
Waiting for an event on Saturday morning, Sharon Glenn, an eighth-grade teacher, said she knew Mrs. Clinton’s life was nothing like her own.

After a rally on Friday night, Ms. Glenn said: “I’m going home and doing laundry at 1 a.m. She’s not doing laundry.”

RELATED: And while we're on pandering...
Barack Obama on Monday disputed a Wall Street Journal story that claims the Democratic presidential candidate won the endorsement of the Teamsters Union by agreeing to push for dismantling the oversight board that reviews allegations of union ties to organized crime.

Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor confirmed to the paper that the candidate thinks the board “has run its course” because “organized crime influence in the union has drastically declined.”
Wow... we're talkin "Audacity of Something" here.
