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05 April 2008

Unlike that perfectly nice organic...

Heroin that we've come to know and love...

With eight people taken to hospital over the past eight days and already one possible death, police issued a warning Saturday about an extremely dangerous batch of heroin currently out on the streets.

RELATED: Attention... crazy, self-involved junkies

You wanna kill yourselves -- fine. Maybe, though... you could leave the rest of us out of it.
Police in New Waterford, N.S., are alerting the public after dozens of dirty hypodermic needles have been found fixed to park benches.

Many of the needles have been positioned so that they stick straight up from the bench seats, waiting to poke someone who decides to sit down.
Yup... just gimme some more of that 'harm reduction'.


LAST WORD: Save us... oh, wonderful government
"Regina hands out 2.3 million needles ... I'll say it slowly ... 2.3 - million in a city of under 200,000."

"Build it and they will come."