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05 April 2008

I just can't help wondering...

Did these folks have any sort of problem with Islamic justice... before they headed back to "Allah Central"?
-- SAUDI ARABIA -- Montrealer Sultan Kohail, 17, was sentenced to one year in prison and 200 lashes Saturday in Saudi Arabia for his role in a schoolyard brawl in 2007 that left one man dead.

"We were worried about him getting the death penalty," said Mahmoud Al-Ken, a spokesperson for the Kohail family.
How exactly does that sentiment jive with that whole "Will of Allah" deal? You believe in Islamic Law... until it comes crashing down on your own family?
The Kohail family is still largely focused on the pending execution by beheading of Sultan's older brother Mohamed for his involvement in the same brawl, Al-Ken said.
Kinda puts that whole horrible, racist, infidel Canadian society in a different light, huh?

And if the family actually just returned to Saudi Arabia for a wedding... why were these boys enrolled in the school where this other kid was killed?

Just don't ask the MSM.


RELATED: In other Middle-East news
-- BAGHDAD -- An Assyrian Orthodox priest was killed in a drive-by shooting Saturday in Baghdad, police and an assistant said, the latest attack against Iraq's Christian minority.

The priest, Youssef Adel, was shot by gunmen who drove up in a car and opened fire as he was opening the gate of his house near the St. Peter and Paul church where he presided, an assistant said.