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07 March 2008

Merchant of Death

And you thought painting Thomas the Tank Engine with lead paint... was as low as they could go...
A major U.S. recall of a blood-thinning drug linked to a Chinese factory last week is prompting new questions over the ability of government and industry to ensure the safety of drugs made with ingredients from China.

The issue has reached a boiling point in the United States in recent days after Baxter International Inc. expanded its nationwide recall of heparin, a blood thinner, amid reports it had been linked to 19 deaths and hundreds of illnesses.
Think this doesn't have anything to do with you?

Well... think again.
While many drugs taken by Canadians are manufactured in North America, a significant portion of the ingredients come from China and other countries.

Many drug companies in Canada are reluctant to discuss the identity of their suppliers and how many are located in China, citing competitive reasons. But investment firm Credit Suisse recently estimated that China will be producing one-quarter of the world's pharmaceutical ingredients by 2010.
Just what the doctor ordered.
