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08 March 2008

Major Disaster at HoM

No... not a tornado tearing the roof off the house.

Just in time for March break, our half-tame cottontail has chewed through the cable on the last remaining functioning Xbox controller. We had a wireless model which never really functioned all that well... and lost another just recently to simple wear and tear.

The Boy went to bed bereft... muttering about chucking said rabbit back out into the cold, cruel wild... where I suspect it would remain alive only about as long as Canadian Cynic at a Libby Davies fondue party.

I have since spent an hour repeatedly trying to strip and tin wires the approximate diameter of human hairs... an exercise I can only characterize as akin to trying to circumcise oneself... while riding a unicycle... blindfolded.

Can't find the damn electrical tape, so it looks like I'm stymied until the morning.

Ah, well... tomorrow's another day.



Mrs. Neo feels I left a few important details out of this tale.

One - Mr. B is really skating on thin ice... if he doesn't fry his tiny brain chewing through a lamp cord... it'll only take one more transgression against the Boy and he'll find himself playing tag with the local coyotes.

Two - We had picked up that Xbox controller just yesterday... it was hours old.

Three - We have no electrical tape because the Boy used it all to apply cool new "black skin" to all his plastic guns.

Now you have... the rest of the story.
