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07 March 2008

Where the hell...

Is all that global warming the enviro-fascists have been promising?
He says snowfall amounts will be “somewhere in the 20-30 centimetre range for Toronto” and area.

But as you go east, says Mr. Merideth, “upwards of 30-50 centimetres is possible.”

RELATED: Yeah, I know... off with my head

Stoogeleft and 300baud think I'm a heretic... but I'm afraid it isn't just me.
The theory was developed by another Hungarian scientist, Ferenc Miskolczi, an atmospheric physicist with 30 years of experience and a former researcher with NASA's Ames Research Center.

After studying it, Zágoni stopped calling global warming a crisis, and has instead focused on presenting the new theory to other climatologists. The data fit extremely well. "I fell in love," he stated at the International Climate Change Conference this week.
And it's more than just a couple of guys labouring anonymously, off in the scientific wilderness...
The conclusions are supported by research published in the Journal of Geophysical Research last year from Steven Schwartz of Brookhaven National Labs, who gave statistical evidence that the Earth's response to carbon dioxide was grossly overstated.

It also helps to explain why current global climate models continually predict more warming than actually measured.
But, for heavens sake, don't tell that to Pope Algore the first, or St. David Suzuki.

We don't wanna start another Inquisition.


"I'm asking the question that if Al Gore knows that CO2 forcing, that is, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from our fossil fuels, is not causing global warming, isn't he committing financial fraud when he sells carbon credits to people to offset their use of fossil fuels and putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?"