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03 March 2008

Da proof is da proof

I sure hope... for his sake... that the dog didn't eat Steffi's homework...
"Many Ottawa-based observers expected the Prime Minister to make a statement or fire a strong salvo at the Liberals this morning."

"It appears that he's done both
See Steffi... you say you've got a full house... I get to see the actual cards in your hand.

I guess you forgot that part.


RELATED: Bring on the lawyers
The question now becomes, are Liberal press releases covered by parliamentary immunity?

That’s a more difficult question.

One of the main differences between a press release and a news story is that the news story makes at least a cursory attempt to present more than one point of view.
Read the "notice of libel."


LAST WORD: Dona Cadman speaks up...
And Stephane Dion's balls suddenly shrivel.
It appears Dipper gonads were similarly affected.
