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03 March 2008

Are you crazy?

Freedom of speech has absolutely no place... in our children's universities...
'Margaret Fung, President of Students for Bioethical Awareness (SBA), one of the hosting clubs, describes what happened: "I was told in a meeting by members of the York Federation of Students that debating abortion is comparable to debating whether a man should be allowed to beat his wife."'
Goodness knows... you don't wanna be putting ideas in their heads.


Uh, not to put too fine a point on it, but... there's actually a question... here in Canada... about whether "a man should be allowed to beat his wife?"


I could've sworn we decided to go with Canadian law on that one.
Regardless... unlike the fuzzy-bunny left at York University... I don't think a question like that should be swept under the carpet.

Just for the record... I'm going with the nays.
