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03 March 2008

When you care enough...

To send the very best...
Eyewitness Abdi Mohamed Ali tells VOA that the residents of Dobley, about six kilometers from the Kenyan border, were shaken from their beds early Monday by a huge explosion that flattened a house in the middle of town.

Ali says he does not know who was in the house or who carried out the attack, but he says residents believe it was a bomb dropped by a plane, seen flying over the town in recent days.
Seems we may have to wait a little bit for official confirmation. Sure hope there's enough evidence left over for DNA testing.
In Washington, U.S. officials have confirmed that two missiles were launched at targets in Dobley. They say the targets were known Islamic terrorists, but have declined to give further details.
Lame duck, my ass... let's see Barack Obama do something equally useful today.


LAST WORD: Where is your god now?
-- From correspondents in Riyadh --

A MAN beheaded his 15-month-old nephew in front of his mother in a supermarket in Saudi Arabia apparently after a family dispute, newspapers reported.

The 25-year-old Syrian national picked up a knife from the store in the Red Sea city of Jeddah yesterday and decapitated the little boy in full view of shoppers, Arab News said.
(h/t natnews)