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14 January 2008

So where is Stephanie Payne?

The mother of a shooting victim blames "some of the people" in the system.
-- TORONTO -- A culture of silence in which teachers failed to sound alarm bells about the dangerous environment at a troubled Toronto high school cost 15-year-old Jordan Manners his life, the slain boy's mother said Monday.

“Teachers saw things and they kept silent, and for that my son lost his life.”
So... apparently teachers are now responsible for disarming teenage thugs? I'm thinking the workplace safety folks and the teachers unions might beg to disagree.

In any case... didn't we all hear loud protests about safety and caring... from self-styled black activist and local school board trustee Stephanie Payne?
Payne said C.W. Jefferys is one of the safest schools in Toronto and parents realize it is a "very safe, compassionate school."
When the Globe has finished dumping on the staff... at this outpost in the wilderness... maybe someone from the mainstream media can get an updated statement from Ms. Payne.

Yeah, right.


FROM THE COMMENTS: It's always a pleasure...

To hear from the caring, compassionate, intellectual left...
Blame the mom, blame the mom, blame the mom. I am sure she spends plenty of time blaming herself, you ignorant cocksuckers.

LAST WORD: Uh, Lorraine... one small point here
Now, I won't presume to speak for anyone else in Hastings & Prince Edward County... but in my neighbourhood, there is absolutely no evidence of an epidemic of Mongol-like hordes of disaffected youth running around shooting their peers.
There is an indisputable culture of silence in Toronto... but Lorraine... it's a little closer than you think.
