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14 January 2008

A legend in his own mind

Danny Millions has his very own Chappaquiddick moment...
“I didn't respond to that at the time. I let it go in the interests of having a cordial meeting. I perceived it as an attempt to bait me into confrontation during that meeting and the bait was not taken.”
Sure, Danny... you suddenly remembered this inconsequential tidbit of information.

I guess that could happen.

It just seems odd that scary, hidden, master-manipulator Stephen Harper would make such a potentially damaging statement to a fellow politician whose primary agenda lately... seems to be to shit all over the office of the Prime Minister.

And what does the Prime Minister remember?
A spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office denied the premier's accusation.

“It never happened.”
I know what seems more plausible to me.


RELATED: Dammit... they're on to us
"Well, Laura, you found us out."

"I confess... there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy[tm] and nobody noticed until now. I know this is true, because, well... I'm in it."

"And now that you've found us out, I've been given permission to tell you the rest