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14 January 2008

Now if the bad guys can manage...

To bamboozle the United Nations and the big, bad United States of America... imagine what they could do with Steffi and company...
Pyongyang had pledged to permanently disable its nuclear facilities at Yongbyon and give an accounting of its entire nuclear program by December 31, 2007.

But the North Korean regime failed to meet that deadline.

Perhaps even worse, North Korean officials now insist that a sketchy declaration given to the other nations in the six-party talks in November was sufficient to fulfill its obligation to disclose all of the country's nuclear activities.
Not bad for a lunatic, huh?

Who says, "You can't always get what you want?"


RELATED: They stall... because it works
Iran has agreed to clarify all outstanding questions over its past nuclear activities within a month, the UN nuclear watchdog has announced.

But the BBC's Jon Leyne in Tehran says that even if Iran does provide all the answers, this is not going to solve this crisis.

The West is more concerned about Iran's current activities than the history, our correspondent says.