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09 January 2008

Idiots, explosives and falling anvils

You think these guys ever stop and listen to themselves?
-- Strait of Hormuz -- Iran's Revolutionary Guards say the US navy fabricated evidence that a convoy of its ships was harassed by Iranian speedboats in Gulf waters on Sunday.

The Iranian parliamentary speaker has dismissed the affair as being part of a US propaganda campaign against Tehran.

"The footage released by the US Navy are file pictures and the audio has been fabricated," Iranian state-run TV quoted a Revolutionary Guards source as saying.
Which is just hilarious, because the government had already admitted the incursions had occurred.
Iranian officials earlier played down the event, calling it an "ordinary occurrence".

An Iranian foreign ministry spokesman said: "This... happens for the two sides every once in a while and, after the identification of the two sides, the issue is resolved.
Another one of those typical middle-east situations.

To paraphrase Richard Pryor... "Who are you gonna believe... me... or your lyin' eyes?"
