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09 January 2008

More annoying street theatre...

From the yappy little dog of Canadian politics...
"He should be fired, very clearly,” Mr. Dion said of the Minister. “He has been overwhelmingly partisan, but the Prime Minister gave him the example of that.”
Hey, Steffi... it's nice to see you've finally come out from behind the woodshed.

But if you really think you're ready to come up on the porch to play with the big dogs... you know what you have to do.

Steffi... you there?

Yeah... that's what I thought.


RELATED: More incredibly insightful analysis
"We need to be careful," he said. "We need to watch the economy."

He refused to say, however, whether the government might face defeat over its next budget.
Hey, Professor Milquetoast... BOO!!!


UPDATE: It is not easy... to be a man
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion is backing away from his tough talk about provoking a federal election at the earliest opportunity.

Talking to reporters yesterday, Dion was repeatedly pressed about whether he'd use his power as Opposition leader to trigger the defeat of the government soon after Parliament resumes Jan. 28.

"I have no plan to do so for now," Dion replied.

LAST WORD: Hey, Stef... a little free advice
Maybe you shouldn't shit where you eat.
