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10 January 2008

Reading, writing and...

"Bust a cap in yo punk ass..."
“This culture of fear, or culture of silence, permeates through every level of the TDSB,” the report says.

“There is a community-wide crisis of confidence in the ability of the TDSB to ensure violence-free and weapons-free environments in all of its schools.”
Remember the good ol' days... when everybody was packin' heat and you could off some guy cos' he looked at you the wrong way?

Yeah... me neither.
Since Jan. 13, 2006, the panel says it found 177 violent incidents in schools across the district — they include gun incidents, robberies and sexual assaults. The panel found there were guns in select schools across the city “in non-trivial numbers.”
Note the use of the term "select schools"... which actually means... we could be more specific... but who needs to be crucified by the loony left and the hug-a-thug media.

It's like the Toronto 17 being from a "broad strata" of society.

But don't you worry... the Toronto District School Board has a solution...
Schools with high suspension, expulsion or dropout rates should be staffed with full-time social workers and youth workers, the panel advised – TDSB should also hire 20 new full-time social workers dedicated to high-priority schools.
I sure hope they have enough kevlar to go around.


RELATED: Another Jane-Finch alumnus...

Who could have had a promising career with Cirque de Soleil.
Murder suspect Shawn Anthony Vassel clambered 18 storeys down the outside of a San Romanoway highrise yesterday with police in pursuit before being caught inside the Jane-Finch shopping mall.

Vassel, 23, lost his shoes in his desperate escape bid but was otherwise unscathed.